826 Valencia's Best Independent Adventuring Supply Shops — Use code BOTMOTH at checkout for 20% off October's Book of the Month!
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October's Book of the Month & Festive Foto In-Store Promo

October's Book of the Month & Festive Foto In-Store Promo

We're chilling this October with Universe of Memories, as well as offering an in-store only 15% off deal to those who share their best pirate-self photos...

Before we know it, October “falls” upon us.


Even out at sea, you can find a crunchy leaf or two to remind you of cold snaps and warm drinks. Either that, or someone's been sorely slacking on swab duties. Whoever was last marked for deck swabbing, expect a strongly-worded note carved into the crow's nest... Actually, nix that. The crunch makes it a novel snack. We should get more of these. According to our Senior Starcharters, it won't be long before days will get shorter, nights darker... They call it "when the abyss starts to fly". Whatever that means.


Universe of Memories, October’s Book of the Month

Well, since the seasons are changing again, we're following the cue and setting sail for deeper tones with October's Book of the Month: Universe of Memories. This release is a collection of autoethnographies penned by youths from our community. In short, introspective stories that help you see–and find–your place in the world. Kind of like how our Starcharters help us figure out where we are on the waves, but on the inside instead of outside. This issue is an incredible contextualization of the many souls in our community that chart their own stars, and we are greatly honored to have them share their constellations with us. Paradoxically, it is also a down-to-earth, grounding grip of a read; Real stories from real voices in a real world.


Give Universe of Memories a read! It's chock full of strong personalities, the complexities of changing minds in a changing world, and even some helpful words in the form of a talking crab. (Not telling you which one!)


Note: Universe of Memories contains mature content. 826 Valencia encourages students to write pieces that are meaningful to them. In this vein, these works by high school students address a range of issues, and therefore contain topics, themes, and language that may not be suitable for readers under the age of fourteen.


Take A Pic of YOUR Idea of a Pirate, get 15% off!

Last month we saw you talk like a pirate, much to our chagrin during the "DON'T talk like a pirate" sale. This month, we'll give you a chance to show off your true seafaring spirits. Let's see you dress the part–or at the very least, what you think a pirate dresses like. And if October puts you in the hyper-specific mood of dressing up and posting photos of your getup in hopes of getting a discount on store purchases, then you're in luck! If you follow us on Instagram and tag us with your probably-pirate photo @826valencia, you get 15% off your entire store purchase. You just gotta show us the post while you're in the store, since they haven't made most screens fin-friendly.


If you're thinking to yourself, "Aw man, I'm fresh out of pirate garb! Where can I procure some to wear and take photos of before November 1st?!", get this: We got that covered as well! Our original location will be stocked chock-full of pirate apparel and even MORE supplies just for the festivities. It's kind of a perfect synergy in that way. At least that's what the siren whisperers tell me, and you kinda get a sense to trust the folks who can tell what sounds good and what sounds like a one-way trip to eternal trench tourism. This festively gracious offer ends on November 1st, and applies for one purchase per person. So don't even think about reaching for that trenchcoat, and not just because it isn't sea-proof.


With great slipperiness and slimy sincerity,
Admiral Anguilly, Foray of Many Moray
— aka A. Foray O'Moray.


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